
As DDL endorses the idea of “sustainable development”, we pay particularly close attention to the impacts our activities have on the environment. Environmental policy is a part of the cooperative’s management system.


  • We only use technologies and machinery that is completely environmentally-friendly. 
  • We constantly monitor, evaluate and improve the impact of technologies on the environment and product quality. 
  • Our products meet very strict hygiene standards and regulations. 

The priority issues in our approach to environmental protection primarily include:

In this context the Woodworking Cooperative has committed itself to make the utmost effort to identify the source of the wood used in company products in order to ensure that the following category woods are not processed: 

  • Illegally felled wood
  • Wood felled against traditional civil rights
  • Wood harvested from forests in which high conservation values are threatened by management activities
  • Wood harvested from areas being converted from forests and other wooded ecosystems to plantations or non-forest uses
  • Wood of genetically modified trees

The Woodworking Cooperative pledges not to use wood from unidentified sources. 

  • use of the best available methods in environmental protection as a part of newly installed production equipment 
  • material use of residual biomass – incorporation into products 
  • production of heat from renewable energy sources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions 

By increasing the share of heat generated from renewable energy sources we contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.


DDL environmental policy:

Based on the strategy of the Lukavec Woodworking Cooperative and in compliance with the DDL Management Policy and Quality Strategy, the cooperative board and top management have committed to a friendly and responsible approach to the environment as follows:

Environmental policy of Woodworking Cooperative employees, which:

– understands the environmental management system (EMS) is a part of the cooperative’s integrated management system

– is based on regular review of all activities and their environmental impacts as well as their improvement

– prioritises the preventative measures that precede potential environmental accidents

– sets the following principles of conduct as one of the priority tasks for all cooperative employees:

1) Promote the awareness of responsibility for reducing the negative impacts of their activities on the living and working environment and on occupational safety with all employees and on all levels.

2) Pre-assess the environmental impact of each new activity, investment or procedure during their planning.

3) Implement the measures to ensure that the contractors working on the cooperative premises respect the legal and other regulations on environmental protection applicable in DDL.

4) Inform employees and the public on the results achieved with regard to environmental protection.


In Lukavec, 25 June 2007