The quality management system is the basis to guarantee the quality of our products. The parameters of our products are compliant with European standards. We will gladly send you the reports and individual test results upon request. We pay attention to the high level of occupational safety and health protection of our partners. This claim is certified by the fact that we are holders of the “SAFE ENTERPRISE” certificate issued by the Czech State Labour Inspection Office.
Environmental product declaration (EPD)
Particle boards, Laminated boards and Lamination Process Declaration download HERE
PEFC (C-o-C)
Certificate C-o-C ENG
You can find the range of our PEFC certified products HERE
FSC® (C-o-C)
Certificate FSC®-C134290
You can find the range of our FSC® certified products on: Annex to the FSC® Certificate
Product quality
Particle board: Emission class E1
Certifikát DTD E1 ENG
MDF: Emission class E1
Certifikát MDF E1 ENG
Veneered board: Emission class E1
Certificate DTD a MDF ENG
Laminated board: Emission class E1
Certificate lamin. DTD a MDF ENG
Particle board: JSD P5
Certificate JSD P5 ENG
Wooden pellets
Certificate CZ / EN
Certificate IT